Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thank Goodness, It’s Summer at Last!

And not a moment to soon, let me tell you. Seattle isn’t exactly known for its fair weather. Those of us who live in this remote damp corner are especially attentive to the calendars, as we wait impatiently for the summer solstice and the advent of (we hope) sunnier days. Actually, June has been pretty mild, after many damp weeks in the preceding months. Now, we look forward to the best season in the Emerald City, which also happens to be when most people visit here. Imagine that ...

Usually, I have the chance for some time off during the summer, maybe a little trip out to the Washington coast, or a week in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, or an excursion to another of my favorite West Coast cities, San Francisco. But this summer promises to be one of work--not only on Limbo and my crime-fiction blog, The Rap Sheet, but also on the novel I think I’ve been writing since the Pleistocene Era. The best I might hope for in the next three months is a weekend away here and there, or maybe just a drive out to Alki Beach--Seattle’s sorta answer to Southern California’s Venice Beach, with plenty of curvaceous young women clad in bikinis that cover them only slightly better than the bills they used to buy those suits, but with fewer Rollerbladers to endanger the rest of us.

Has anybody seen my dark glasses? I know they’re stashed around here someplace ...

READ MORE:Air Head,” by Oliver Broudy (Salon).