Monday, August 13, 2007

What a Frickin’ Idiot

As a human being, you really want to feel sorry for folks in trouble, but it’s hard to extend any sympathy to people like this one. From the Associated Press:
ROCHELLE, Ga.--A woman was arrested after she called local police to help “get her money back” after she was unhappy with the crack cocaine she purchased.

Juanita Marie Jones, 53, called Rochelle Police late Thursday night after she purchased what she thought was a $20 piece of crack cocaine, according to police reports.

She told officers she broke the rock into three pieces and smoked one, only to discover the drugs were “fake.”
So what did the obviously good-sense-challenged Ms. Jones do next? She showed an officer and deputy from the Wilcox County Sheriff’s Office the drugs she’d purchased, expecting them to respond to her complaints. They did, just not in the way she’d hoped. “She was promptly arrested on charges of possession of cocaine,” the AP explains.

(Hat tip to Sarah Weinman.)

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