Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bush Hits 70 Percent Disapproval

Results from a new ABC News/Washington Post poll:
With the current economic situation, a record 70 percent of Americans disapprove of George W. Bush’s job performance; a career-low 26 percent approve.

Just two presidents have had lower approval (Richard Nixon and Harry Truman) than President Bush, and none has had higher disapproval in polls since 1938.

[John] McCain’s problem: Fifty-three percent of registered voters think he’d lead the country in the same direction as Bush, inching back up over a majority.

Forty-eight percent of registered voters are uncomfortable about McCain’s age, a new high. And while [Barack] Obama has advanced since mid-June in the sense that he’s a “safe” choice for president, to 55 percent, McCain has lost ground on this measure; 51 percent now see him as safe, down 6 points.

Obama continues to trounce McCain on enthusiasm. Sixty-one percent of Obama’s supporters are very enthusiastic about their choice, vs. 38 percent of McCain’s.
The full findings can be found here.

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