Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Bigger Picture

More good news, this time from Slate:
About one thing, left and right seem to agree these days: [President Barack] Obama hasn’t done anything yet. Maureen Dowd and Dick Cheney have found common ground in scoffing at the president’s “dithering.” Newsweek recently ran a sympathetic cover story titled, “Yes He Can (But He Sure Hasn’t Yet).” The sarcasm brigade thinks it’s finally found an Achilles’ heel in his lack of accomplishments. “When you look at my record, it’s very clear what I’ve done so far and that is nothing. Nada. Almost one year and nothing to show for it,” Obama stand-in Fred Armisen recently riffed on Saturday Night Live. “It’s chow time,” Jon Stewart asserts, for a president who hasn’t followed through on his promises.

This conventional wisdom about Obama’s first year isn't just premature--it’s sure to be flipped on its head by the anniversary of his inauguration on Jan. 20. If, as seems increasingly likely, Obama wins passage of a health care reform a bill by that date, he will deliver his first State of the Union address having accomplished more than any other postwar American president at a comparable point in his presidency. This isn’t an ideological point or one that depends on agreement with his policies. It’s a neutral assessment of his emerging record--how many big, transformational things Obama is likely to have made happen in his first 12 months in office.
I voted for Obama a year ago. And I’m still glad I did. He’s not perfect and he is obviously not a magician: he can’t change everything right away. But the president has a firm hold on what he wants and the persuasive power, it seems, to get it.

READ MORE:Ten Months In,” by Steve Benen (The
Washington Monthly

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