Friday, July 29, 2011

Trading One Crisis for Another?

This piece from The Washington Post seems to offer a fairly cogent analysis of why President Obama resists employing the so-called 14th Amendment Option to resolve the present partisan impasse over raising the U.S. debt ceiling.

I would add that, if the president invokes this option to maintain the country’s credit rating and avoid an economic collapse, it will almost surely result in right-wing ideologues in Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against him. And how easy a time will he have running for re-election in the midst of such proceedings? Then again, President Clinton enjoyed a significant boost in public polling after he stood up to Republican obstructionists in the mid-1990s.

Clearly, we’re entering unknown political territory here.

READ MORE:How Would the Supreme Court Rule on Obama Raising the Debt Ceiling Himself?,” by Jeffrey Rosen (The New Republic).

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