Saturday, March 12, 2016

Right-Wing Hatred Boils Over

Following violent clashes on Friday between angry supporters of Republican presidential contender Donald Trump and protesters in Chicago, Illinois, MSNBC News host Rachel Maddow devoted a segment of her evening show to “a video timeline of … Trump’s comments at rallies that have stoked hostility and incited violence …” An incredulous Maddow remarks at the end of this segment: “American presidential politics isn’t like this for anybody else. American presidential politics did not get this way on its own. This is the work of an American presidential candidate who deliberately made this happen. And the Republican Party is about to nominate him for president.”

Click here to watch the entire segment.

READ MORE:No One Is Violating Donald Trump’s First Amendment Rights,” by Kiley Kroh (Think Progress).

1 comment:

Gram said...

As usual Rachel hits the nail on the head!